Twisted Ladder Movies

Movie review blog by Jonathan Amerikaner

Posts Tagged ‘Roger Ebert

Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (MI4)

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The following appeared in the Jerusalem Post print and online December 2011

Jerusalem Post Link

PDF to be published soon

Note the following is the original submission and does not include changes by the editor


Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (MI4) is this year’s best action blockbuster, and the best of the series. We follow the Impossible Mission Force, IMF, led by the venerable Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) as they chase a rogue Russian terrorist hell-bent on destroying the world. This is an immense, globetrotting adventure that takes us from the rooftops of Budapest and the streets of Mumbai to the dizzying heights of the Burj Khalifa, world’s tallest building located in Dubai.

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The following appeared in the Jerusalem Post print and online January 2010

Jerusalem Post Link (archived)

Invictus PDF

Note the following is the original submission and does not include changes by the editor


Eastwood proves he is still invincible

“Invictus” is the Latin for word for unconquerable, undefeated, invincible. In Clint Eastwood’s latest film he uses Rugby as a metaphor for the struggle of South Africa’s first black president, Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman), to unite his racially divided country. A sociology professor I had once gave a fascinating lecture on obsessive sports fans. He said that people love sports because they can vicariously get to see a conflict resolved.  In real life conflicts tend to resist resolution. Eastwood seems to innately understand this.

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The following appeared in the Jerusalem Post print and online December 2009

Jerusalem Post Link (archived)

Avatar print PDF

Note the following is the original submission and does not include changes by the editor


Avatar soars in three dimensions

Parents who view the latest state-of-the-art 3D sonogram of their unborn infant are often amazed and even unnerved by the detail, beauty and the stark reality of what is to come. For a film critic, viewing Avatar is also an overwhelming look into the future—the future of filmmaking and film watching. The film has already been compared to groundbreaking features such as “The Jazz Singer,” the film that brought sound into the mainstream, and “Star Wars,” which changed the scope and scale of science fiction. After fourteen years of development, three years of production, and a rumored budget of half a billion dollars, director James Cameron and his team have created a film that truly places us inside the world they imagined for us. Avatar is a film you don’t just see. It’s an experience.

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The following is an un-published and un-paid writing sample for the Jerusalem Post.

Roger Ebert’s Review

Rotten Tomatoes link

The idea of the sample is, of course, to show if I can write a contemporary movie review.


Step 1: Find a Zombie.  Step 2: Kill it by any means necessary. Step 3: Have fun. In the new movie Zombieland, Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) and Columbus (Jessie Eisenberg) are a pair of travelers trying to make their way across a zombie infested America. They shoot, smash, bash, and cut through America’s heartland. Columbus has developed a set of zombie survival rules such as: “Beware of Bathrooms” and “Wear Seatbelts.” With his rulesColumbus has survived, so far. But when Tallahassee and Columbus meet a pair of con-artist sisters, Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), all bets are off.

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Dark City

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The following is an un-published and un-paid writing sample for the Jerusalem Post. It is about one of my all-time favorite movies Dark City.

Roger Ebert’s Review

Rotten Tomatoes link

The idea of the sample is, of course, to show if I can write a contemporary movie review.


Dark City (1998) is a great film you’ve possibly never seen. Dark City was overshadowed by the wildly popular The Matrix, released less than one year later, which also presents a dark world that is not quite what it seems. But film critic Roger Ebert calls Dark City the Best Film of 1998, includes it in his list of Great Films, and recorded a commentary track for the film’s DVD. Dark City has become a cult favorite with cineastes (cinema buffs) because of its masterful cinematography, editing, sound design, and production design. Indeed the craft of Dark City leaves nothing to be desired. It is this writer’s opinion that Dark City is a film that exemplifies the pinnacle of great storytelling that uses every device, character, word, moment, and each frame to push the story forward, reveal something new, and keep us guessing as to what will happen next.

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Written by Jonathan Amerikaner

November 8, 2009 at 3:20 am